domingo, 22 de julio de 2007

Al Sur del Abismo (Tributo Argentino a Slayer)

Bandas: Tributo Argentino a Slayer
Álbum: V.A Tributo Argentino a Slayer
Género: Thrash Death Metal

- Osamenta - Black Magic
- 1917 - Blood Red
- Serpentor - Killing fields
- Carnarium - Seasons In The Abyss
- Asesina - Angel Of Death
- Eternal Grave - Dittohead
- Devastacion - Evil Has No Boundaries
- Nafak - South Of Heaven
- Renacer - Die By The Sword
- Necrophiliac - Necrophiliac
- Brutal Noise - War Zone
- Opresor - War Ensemble
- Avernal - Spirit In Black
- Sadistic Kill - Postmortem
- Climatic Terra - Mandatory Suicide
- Exthremony - Hell Awaits
- Caceria - Raining Blood
Bájalo Aquí

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